Horizontal stacked bar chart of native and non-native speakers in the 10 most spoken languages.

10 Most Spoken Languages

English and Mandarin Chinese are the most spoken languages and are both spoken by over 1.1B people, as shown in the horizontal stacked bar chart. The mix of native and non-native speakers varies greatly across the 10 most spoken languages. While only 1/3 of English speakers are native, 82% of those who speak Mandarin Chinese are native speakers. The data are from Ethnologue.

10 Most Spoken Languages in a Horizontal Stacked Bar Chart

Horizontal stacked bar chart of native and non-native speakers in the 10 most spoken languages.

How I Made this 10 Most Spoken Languages Horizontal Stacked Bar Chart

The data on the 10 most spoken languages that is used to create the chart is presented below:

Horizontal stacked bar chart of native and non-native speakers in the 10 most spoken languages.

Here's how I made the horizontal stacked bar chart:

  • create a horizontal stacked bar chart in PowerPoint
  • copy the data on the 10 most spoken languages from Ethnologue into the Mekko Graphics Data Editor
  • use the Switch Bars and Series button to treat spreadsheet columns as series and rows as bars
  • show percentages in segment labels and format to remove the parentheses
  • format the bar totals to have the M as units
  • hide the y axis and x axis line and adjust the y axis maximum
  • reduce bar gaps to make bars wider
  • adjust the internal chart margins
  • hide the percentages in the smaller segments and in Standard Arabic
  • change the color of the Standard Arabic segment to indicate that the non-native speaker data is not available

Take This Chart and Make It Your Own

Download this chart and edit it using Mekko Graphics. See more bar charts in our chart gallery. Here are some other charts that may be of interest: