Line chart of US Box Office by week in 2020 and bar chart of yearly box office from 2000-2020,

2020 U.S. Box Office

The pandemic reduced the box office to almost $0 in mid-March and it did not recover by year-end, as shown in the line chart. The weekly receipts crept up slowly toward year end, but were still barely above $0.  2020 numbers were down 82% from 2019, as shown in the bar chart below. From 2000-2019, box office receipts grew quite slowly, averaging about 2% per year. The 82% fall-off in 2020 reduced receipts from $11.3B to just $2.1B, with most of this coming in the first quarter. Data for these charts are from Box Office Mojo.

2020 U.S. Box Office Receipts in a Line Chart and 2000-2020 Yearly Receipts in a Bar Chart

Line chart of US Box Office by week in 2020 and bar chart of yearly box office from 2000-2020,

How I Made these Box Office Line and Bar Charts

Here is the data I used to create these charts:

Line chart of US Box Office by week in 2020 and bar chart of yearly box office from 2000-2020,

Here's how I made the line chart:

  • copy the weekly data for 2019 and 2020 to Excel from the Box Office Mojo website
  • remove extraneous columns to leave a range A1:C53 above
  • create a line chart in PowerPoint based on this range
  • use Switch Bars and Series to treat rows as transposed
  • show line values and hide all but the values for week 13
  • close chart, shrink container to 1/2 page size and reopen
  • add legend and place on bottom
  • change line colors
  • add segment link between week 13 2019 and 2020 data elements
  • label segment link to show week of March 20
  • number format segment values and y axis
  • adjust y axis scale and add title
  • adjust internal chart margin

To make the stacked bar chart:

  • Close and copy the line chart and position the copy below the line chart
  • Open the copied chart and convert to stacked bar chart
  • Paste the yearly data from website to Excel, remove extraneous columns and then copy to Mekko Graphics Data Editor
  • show segment values and hide bar totals
  • data scale values to billions and add appropriate number formats
  • add y axis title and adjust scale
  • add growth lines
  • change series color and color of last two segments (to match colors in line chart)

Take This Chart and Make It Your Own

Download this chart and edit it using Mekko Graphics. See more line charts in our chart gallery. Here are some other charts that may be of interest: