Entries by David Goldstein

Pfizer Operating Income

The Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine led to strong growth in both revenue and operating income for the company in 2021, as shown in this waterfall chart. Revenue almost doubled from 2020 with 45% coming from the COVID-19 vaccine. Expenses rose, but more slowly than revenue. Hence, operating income increased by 124%. Data are from company […]

Bitcoin Mining by Country

Bitcoin mining fell between 2020 and 2021. China’s mining ban was partially offset by significant increases in other countries, as shown in this stacked bar chart.  Data are from University of Cambridge Center for Alternative Finance, Cambridge Bitcoin Electricity Consumption Index.  Bitcoin Mining by Country in a Stacked Bar Chart with Data Column Why Use a […]

Global Cloud Data Centers

Microsoft, Amazon, Google and IBM spread their global cloud data centers among Asia, North America and Europe, as shown in this Marimekko chart. Alibaba’s are heavily concentrated in Asia. Data are from Four myths about the cloud. Global Cloud Data Centers in a Marimekko Chart Why Use a Marimekko Chart for a Market Map The Marimekko […]

Cloud Computing Market Map

The highly fragmented SaaS market is more than twice the size of the more consolidated IaaS market. The cloud computing market map is shown in this Marimekko chart. . The IaaS market is dominated by Amazon (AWS) and Microsoft Azure. The top two players control 63% of the IaaS market. While the top 2 in […]

Remote Work Growth

The coronavirus pandemic led to a growth in remote work across most occupations. The largest growth was in software and IT services and in wellness and fitness jobs. Education was the only sector that saw a small decrease. Data are from a LinkedIn survey of work in Canada. Remote Work Growth in a Horizontal Cluster Bar […]

Current-Gen Game Consoles

Nintendo's Switch accounts for over 80% of current-gen game consoles sold globally, as shown in these Marimekko charts. Japan is its strongest market with a 95% share. Switch was introduced in 2017 and has a head start on its two competitors PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S, which were not introduced until 2020. PlayStation 5 […]

Trillion-Dollar Stocks

Tesla reached $1 trillion in market capitalization faster than any other company except Facebook and Saudi Aramco, as shown in this horizontal bar chart with data column. It joined 5 other trillion-dollar stocks. Data are from company financial information as reported in Google Finance and Statista. Trillion-Dollar Stocks in a Horizontal Bar Chart with Data […]

Metals Mined

Iron ore accounts for 94% of all metals mined. Technology and precious metals account for just 1.3M of the 3,429M tonnes of minerals mined in 2019, as shown in this 100% stacked bar chart with two exploring bars for drill down. Data are from the British Geological Survey as reported in Visual Capitalist. Metals Mined […]

Coffee Production by Country

Five countries produced almost ¾ of the world’s coffee, as shown in this doughnut chart. Brazil’s 63.4M bags alone accounted for 37% of 2020 output. Coffee production data are from the International Coffee Organization as reported in Visual Capitalist. Coffee Production by Country in a Doughnut Chart Why Use a Doughnut Chart for Coffee Production […]

TV and Streaming Snapshot

Streaming made up 28% of total television watching, placing it between cable and broadcast. Netflix was the most watched streaming service. The data are presented in a 100% stacked bar chart with exploding bar. Nielsen collects this data for the US monthly and it is available here. Streaming and Television Watching in a 100% Stacked […]