Mekko Graphics for Marketing Professionals
I've spoken with a couple of market researchers over the past…

Using Color in your Charts
Our latest version of Mekko Graphics now gives you the ability…

Using Different Types of Palettes
Our latest version of Mekko Graphics now gives you the ability…

New! Downloadable Custom Palettes
Our latest version of Mekko Graphics now gives you the ability…

Drilling Down with a Stacked Bar Chart
You often want to drill down to show the detail in a specific…

Adding Charts to a Table to Make Your Numbers Pop
Tables are great for comparing companies or divisions along…

Illustrating MCAS results in Mekko Graphics charts
I had the opportunity this week to demonstrate how Mekko Graphics…

Introducing Our Latest Version!
I'm happy to announce that the latest version of Mekko Graphics…

Visit us at the MIT Sloan Private Equity Symposium
Mekko Graphics is a sponsor of the MIT Sloan Private Equity Symposium…

Preview of the New Mekko Graphics
We're excited about the launch of the next version of Mekko Graphics. …