Where Do We Spend Our Money? Check out this Marimekko Chart.
This is my last charting example from the Bain and Company white…
Using a Bar Mekko Chart to Show Defense Spending Growth
This charting example from the Bain and Company white paper…
Cascade Chart -Tracking Eight Trillion Dollar Trends
Bain and Company created a white paper last year with many excellent…
Tracking Growth with a Marimekko Chart and Cascade Chart
Here is a charting example using a cascade chart and a Marimekko…
Using Color and Shading to Group Elements in Your Charts
I like to use 100% stacked bar charts with a single bar. They…
Strategy Consulting firm BCG's Study of the Philadelphia Schools
It's often hard to determine which types of charts to use in…
Using a Marimekko Chart to Map a Market
Consultants and strategic analysts often want to map a market…
Interactive Marimekko Chart
Check out this Marimekko Chart: https://www.chcf.org/publications/2012/08/data-viz-hcc-national.