Cascade/waterfall chart in Excel

How do I replicate an Excel chart but change the data?

If you have created a Mekko Graphics chart in Excel, you can use the same chart again, but with different data.  Here's an example of how to re-use a cascade/waterfall chart.

  1. Select the Excel chart (single click) and then right click to choose Copy.
  2. Move to a different location in the same worksheet or add a new worksheet  and then right click and choose Paste. This gives you an exact copy of the chart so it is linked to the original data range and has the same formatting.
  3. To update the data range, double click on the chart, and choose Change Date Range from the Mekko Graphics ribbon. Select your new data range and click OK in the floating Chart Data dialog box. Your data can be in the same worksheet as the chart, as shown in the example below,  or in a different worksheet.

Cascade/waterfall chart in Excel

Learn more about Excel charts by reading 10 Excel Tips You Should Know.