Mekko Graphics 21.4 Release Notes
Build (October 2021)
New Features
Gantt Charts:
- Ability to set Milestone Label Position - Right, Left, Bottom, Top.
- Implemented dynamic Dateline and Milestones marking Today’s date.
- Added Date Format option to display week number in timeline elements.
- Week numbering rule is exposed in Format Chart (First Day or First Four days week).
- Option to set timeline item label background opaque.
- Implemented command to copy the complete task list as text to the clipboard (to be able to paste it into other documents).
- Behavior when a new milestone is inserted with the Label Position and Orientation as the last used Milestone.
Bar/Bubble/Area charts:
- Option to draw X-Axis behind the Bars.
- Option to set opaque label background in Bar, Bubble, and Area charts.
Corrected issues
- Timelines header and items position calculation when Workday only property is on.
- Issue when moved labels for timeline elements don’t retain their place relative to the element when it is moved.
- Visibility of the first and last dates labels in timelines header.
- Week numbering issue when Week Numbering rule is Four Days (ISO 8601)
- Issue when data from Excel can’t be pasted into Data Editor because of long paths in named ranges references.
Note: This release is free to Mekko Graphics customers with active annual subscriptions. There is no free upgrade for perpetual license customers (e.g., customers who purchased on or before February 1, 2012). Click here for more information