Mekko Graphics for Windows Does Not Appear in PowerPoint 

1. Check to see whether Mekko Graphics is installed

  • If you have Windows 7 or Windows 8, go to Start > Control Panel > Programs & Features.  Check whether Mekko Graphics is listed among the installed programs.
  • If you have Windows 10, go to Start > Settings > System > Apps & Features.
    Check whether Mekko Graphics is listed among the installed programs.

If Mekko Graphics is listed, move on to Step 2.  If not, download the latest version of Mekko Graphics. Close PowerPoint and Excel, then install Mekko Graphics using the downloaded file.

2. Check to see whether the add-in has loaded

Open PowerPoint, and go to File > Options > Add-Ins.  Do you see Mekko Graphics listed under Inactive Application Add-Ins, or Disabled Application Add-Ins?

  • If the add-in is Inactive, select COM Add-Ins from the Manage drop-down and click Go.  Check the box for Mekko Graphics Add-In and click OK.  Re-start PowerPoint and see if the add-in loads.
  • If the add-in is Disabled, select Disabled Items from the Manage drop-down and click Go.  Select Mekko Graphics Add-In and click Enable.  Re-start PowerPoint and see if the add-in loads.

3. Re-install and restart your machine

If you’ve tried step 1 or 2 already, try closing PowerPoint and Excel, uninstalling Mekko Graphics, then fully shutting down your machine.  Turn it back on and try to install using the latest version. Download the latest version.

4. Contact Support

If all else fails, please don’t hesitate to contact our support team! You can reach us by visiting the Contact Us page.

 Mekko Graphics for Windows Does Not Appear in Excel 

1. Check to see whether Mekko Graphics is installed

  • If you have Windows 7 or Windows 8, go to Start > Control Panel > Programs & Features.  Check whether Mekko Graphics is listed among the installed programs.
  • If you have Windows 10, go to Start > Settings > System > Apps & Features.
    Check whether Mekko Graphics is listed among the installed programs.

If Mekko Graphics is listed, move on to Step 2.  If not, download the latest version of Mekko Graphics. Close PowerPoint and Excel, then install Mekko Graphics using the downloaded file.

2. Check to see whether the add-in has loaded

Open Excel, and go to File > Options > Add-Ins.  Do you see Mekko Graphics listed under Inactive Application Add-Ins, or Disabled Application Add-Ins?

  • If the add-in is Inactive, select COM Add-Ins from the Manage drop-down and click Go.  Check the box for Mekko Graphics Add-In and click OK.  Re-start Excel and see if the add-in loads.
  • If the add-in is Disabled, select Disabled Items from the Manage drop-down and click Go.  Select Mekko Graphics Add-In and click Enable.  Re-start Excel and see if the add-in loads.

3. Re-install and restart your machine

If you’ve tried step 1 or 2 already, try closing PowerPoint and Excel, uninstalling Mekko Graphics, then fully shutting down your machine.  Turn it back on and install Mekko Graphics using the latest version.

4. Contact Support

If all else fails, please don’t hesitate to contact our support team! You can reach us by email at, or by visiting the Contact Us page.

Mekko Graphics for Mac OS X Does Not Appear in PowerPoint

Note: There is no Mekko Graphics for Mac add-in for Excel.

1. Check to see whether Mekko Graphics is installed

From the Finder, go to the Applications folder and look for Mekko Graphics.  If you see it there, move on to Step 2.  If not, download the latest version of Mekko Graphics. Close PowerPoint and then install Mekko Graphics using the downloaded file.

2. Check to see whether the add-in has loaded

Open PowerPoint, and go to Tools > Add-Ins.  Do you see Mekko Graphics listed there?

  • If you see Mekko Graphics, just check the box next to it, click OK, then close & re-open PowerPoint
  • If you do not see Mekko Graphics, you may need to add it manually. Follow these steps to add it manually.

From PowerPoint, go to the Tools menu and select the Add-Ins option.

First, click on the Add icon

Next, navigate to Macintosh HD/Library/Application Support/Mekko Graphics.

Click on Library and choose the Application Support folder.

Select the Mekko Graphics folder and then open the MekkoGraphics.ppam file.

You should see the warning message below.  Just click ‘Enable Macros’.

Now you should see ‘Mekko Graphics_2016’ with a check mark in the list of available add-ins. Click OK.

After manually loading the Add-in, you should see the Mekko Graphics ribbon in PowerPoint.

3. Re-install and restart your machine

If you’ve tried step 1 or 2 already, close PowerPoint then uninstall Mekko Graphics. To uninstall Mekko Graphics, open the Finder and go to Library > Application Support > MekkoGraphics. Go to that folder, then run the script called Uninstall.

Shut your machine down completely, then re-start and try to install the latest version of Mekko Graphics.

4. Contact Support

If all else fails, please don’t hesitate to contact our support team! You can reach us by email at, or by visiting the Contact Us page.