Cluster bar charts of net worth, income and asset ownership for black and white households based on data from the Federal Reserve

Racial Wealth Gap in the US

There is a significant wealth gap between black and white households in the US. Black households have 153% lower median net worth and 26% lower income than white households. They are also less likely to own a home, business and stock, as shown in these cluster bar charts with bar comparison lines. Data on net worth and income are from a Federal Reserve study and data on asset holdings are from a Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland report.

 Racial Wealth Gap in Cluster Bar Charts with Bar Comparison Lines

Cluster bar charts of net worth, income and asset ownership for black and white households based on data from the Federal Reserve

How I Made these Wealth Gap Cluster Bar Charts with Bar Comparison Lines

Here is the wealth gap data I used to create the cluster bar charts:

Cluster bar charts of net worth, income and asset ownership for black and white households based on data from the Federal Reserve

Here's how I made the net worth and income chart on the left:

  • create a half slide chart in PowerPoint, set the type to cluster bar
  • type in wealth gap data as shown in the left range above
  • use switch bars and series button to treat the columns as series and the rows as bars (clusters)
  • add a legend and move it to the bottom
  • add the y axis tittle and remove other parts of y axis and x axis line
  • adjust bar gaps and internal chart margins
  • add bar comparison lines
  • format the bar totals in $K
  • change the series colors

Close the chart, copy it and paste a copy to create the right hand chart. Replace the data with the data on the right hand side in the above spreadsheet. Change the y axis title and the number formatting for the bar totals.

Take This Chart and Make It Your Own

Download this wealth gap chart and edit it using Mekko Graphics. See more bar charts in our chart gallery. Here are some other charts that may be of interest: