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Chart of the Week
Waterfall chart of Pfizer 2021 operating income showing impact of COVID-19 vaccine on revenue and operating profit

Pfizer Operating Income

February 18, 2022/by David Goldstein
Stacked bar chart of bitcoing mining by country in 2020 and 2021

Bitcoin Mining by Country

February 10, 2022/by David Goldstein
Marimekko chart of cloud data centers by owner and region.

Global Cloud Data Centers

January 25, 2022/by David Goldstein
Marimekko chart of cloud computing market split into IaaS and SaaS and broken down by competitor.

Cloud Computing Market Map

January 11, 2022/by David Goldstein
Horizontal cluster bar chart of remote work growth in Canada durinbg the coronavirus pandemic

Remote Work Growth

December 8, 2021/by David Goldstein
Marimekko chart of current-gen game console sales globally and by region

Current-Gen Game Consoles

November 19, 2021/by David Goldstein
Horizontal bar chart of days from IPio to reaching $1trillion in market capitalization with data column showing market cap as of October 25, 2021

Trillion-Dollar Stocks

November 4, 2021/by David Goldstein
100% stacked bar chart of metals mined in 2019 with exploding bars for drill down

Metals Mined

October 30, 2021/by David Goldstein
Doughnut chart of coffee production by country.

Coffee Production by Country

October 7, 2021/by David Goldstein
100% stacked bar chart of US television viewing divided among cable, broadcast and streaming and a breakdown of streaming by services.

TV and Streaming Snapshot

September 24, 2021/by David Goldstein
Horizontal bar chart of 20 highest paid athletes in 2021, including percentage earned off-the-field

Highest Paid Athletes in 2021

September 18, 2021/by David Goldstein
Horizontal bar chart of smartphone users and penetration in top 20 markets.

Smartphone Penetration

July 16, 2021/by David Goldstein
100% stacked bar chart profiling FY 2021 Nike revenue by product category, consumer type, channel and region.

Nike Brand Revenue Profile

July 10, 2021/by David Goldstein
Marimekko chart of 2020 Nike revenue by region and product category.

Nike Revenue Breakdown

June 29, 2021/by David Goldstein
Horizontal 100% stacked bar charts of aquatic liter materials and sources across different aquatic environments.

Aquatic Litter Materials and Sources

June 21, 2021/by David Goldstein
Waterfall charts of added renewable capacity in 2020 when compared to 2019 by technology and region.

Renewable Capacity Additions

June 14, 2021/by David Goldstein
Bar charts of growth in social media users and time spent on social media 2016-2020 in two bar charts with data rows and growth lines.

Social Media Usage Growth

June 7, 2021/by David Goldstein
100% stacked bar chart of internet unconnected worldwide by region.

Internet Unconnected

May 31, 2021/by David Goldstein
Bar-mekko chart of PC shipment growth for top 5 manufacturers from 1Q20/1Q21.

PC Shipments Growth

May 25, 2021/by David Goldstein
Marimekko chart of GDP by state grouped by region.

GDP by State

May 19, 2021/by David Goldstein
Horizontal bar chart of top streaming services with data column containing growth rates for each

Top Streaming Services

May 11, 2021/by David Goldstein
100% stacked bar chart of media consumption by U.S. adults from 2011-2021.

Changing Media Consumption

May 4, 2021/by David Goldstein
Bar chart of tablet shipments by year from 2010-2020 and stacked bar chart of tablet shipments by company for 2019 and 2020.

Tablet Shipments Rebound

April 28, 2021/by David Goldstein
Marimekko chart of Amazon market share in ecommerce, digital advertising, online grocery and cloud computing.

Amazon Market Share by Segment

April 17, 2021/by David Goldstein
Stacked bar chart of branch bank openings, closings, and net change between 2011 and 2020 to illustrate decline in US branch banking

The Decline of Branch Banking

April 12, 2021/by David Goldstein
100% stacked bar chart of smartwatch shipments for Apple, Huawei and others for CY 2019 and 2020.

Smartwatch Market Leaders

April 6, 2021/by David Goldstein
Older Americans hold a disproportionate share of US household wealth, as shown in this 100% stacked bar chart. The 41% of American adults over 55 account for 70% of the household wealth.

Generational Wealth Gap

March 30, 2021/by David Goldstein
100% stacked bar chart of wireless only, wireless and landline, landline onloy and phoneless among US adults overall and by age, education, and poverty status.

Wireless Only Phone Users

March 22, 2021/by David Goldstein
Stacked bar chart of mobile 5G subscriptions by technology from 2020-2026.

5G Projected Growth

March 14, 2021/by David Goldstein
100% stacked bar chart of mobile app store spending and downloads for 2020 comparing Apple Store and Google Play

Mobile App Store Activity

March 9, 2021/by David Goldstein
Horizontal bar chart of top 25 automakers by market capitalization with data on annual vehicle sales for each.

Top 25 Automakers by Market Capitalization

March 2, 2021/by David Goldstein
Stacked bar of California driverless car mileage 2015-2020

Driverless Car Testing in California

February 22, 2021/by David Goldstein
Scatter chart of top 5 football clubs transfer spending and earnings in last 10 transfer windows.

Football Transfer Spending

February 15, 2021/by David Goldstein
Waterfall chart of Apple revenue change from Q1 2020 to Q1 2021

Apple Revenue Growth

February 2, 2021/by David Goldstein
Horizontal stacked bar chart of native and non-native speakers in the 10 most spoken languages.

10 Most Spoken Languages

January 25, 2021/by David Goldstein
Stacked bar chart of tesla vehicle production 2016-2020 by model

Tesla Vehicle Production

January 11, 2021/by David Goldstein
Line chart of US Box Office by week in 2020 and bar chart of yearly box office from 2000-2020,

2020 U.S. Box Office

December 31, 2020/by David Goldstein
Marimekko chart of pandas on loan by zoo and region.

Pandas on Loan Around the World

December 18, 2020/by David Goldstein
Horizontal bar chart of the top 25 private equity firms based on 5 year funds raised.

25 Largest Private Equity Firms

December 11, 2020/by David Goldstein
Marimekko chart of UNESCO World Heritage Sites by region and type.

UNESCO World Heritage Sites

December 3, 2020/by David Goldstein