100% stacked bar chart of estimated revenue from smartphones and relaed products and services.

Smartphone Multiplier

Sales of phones themselves make up only 51% of the $944B market for smartphones, as shown in this 100% stacked bar chart. Deloitte calls the related products and services that make up the remaining 49% the smartphone multiplier. Mobile advertising, apps and accessories are the largest categories with $176B, $118B and $77B in projected 2020 revenue. The other categories include wearables ($25B), insurance ($18B), repairs ($12B), music ($10B) smart speakers ($9B), video streaming subscriptions ($8B) and storage ($3B). This smartphone multiplier data was compiled in a Deloitte Insights study--Technology, Media, and Telecommunications Predictions 2020.

Smartphone Multiplier in a 100% Stacked Bar Chart with Exploding Bar

100% stacked bar chart of estimated revenue from smartphones and relaed products and services.

How I Made this Smartphone Multiplier 100% Stacked Bar Chart 

Here is the smartphone multiplier data that I used to create the 100% stacked bar chart:

100% stacked bar chart of estimated revenue from smartphones and relaed products and services.

Here's how I made the smartphone multiplier 100% stacked bar chart with exploding bar:

  • create a 100% stacked bar chart in PowerPoint
  • type smartphone multiplier data from Deloitte Insights pdf  into the Mekko Graphics Data Editor in a single columns
  • split the data into two columns as above with the second devoted to smaller segments
  • right-click on 'total row' in the Mekko Graphics Data Editor and under Show Series select Set as 100% (uses the values in this row in calculating the percentages in the segments)
  • right-click any segment label to show segment labels with values and percentages and format the values as $B
  • add y axis title
  • hide y axis elements (except title) and x axis line
  • adjust internal chart margins to better fill chart container
  • add segment links between top segment in first bar to create exploding bar
  • manually edit labels for storage and other to show extra decimal place in percentage
  • shrink label font for these two labels my selecting both and right-clicking
  • adjust colors to make first bar multi-colored and use shades of top segment in first bar for segments in second bar

Take This Chart and Make It Your Own

Download this chart and edit it using Mekko Graphics. See more bar charts in our chart gallery. Here are some other charts that may be of interest: