Horizontal bar chart of smartphone users and penetration in top 20 markets.

Smartphone Penetration

Smartphone penetration varies among the top 20 markets, ranging from 18% in the Philippines to 82% in the US, as shown in this horizontal bar chart with data column. India holds the biggest growth opportunity. Its 439 million users make up only 32% of its population. Bangladesh, Philippines and Pakistan also have relatively low penetration. Smartphone penetration data are from Newzoos' Global Mobile Market Report

Smartphone Penetration in a Horizontal Bar Chart with Data Column

Horizontal bar chart of smartphone users and penetration in top 20 markets. 

Why Use a Horizontal Bar Chart with Data Column for Smartphone Penetration

The horizontal bar chart shows the number of smartphone users in 20 countries. I find the horizontal bar format most useful for charts that show a top 20 or top 25 breakdown. 25 items are about the limit for fitting a horizontal bar chart onto a standard PowerPoint slide. I prefer the horizontal bar chart to a vertical one if there are more than 10 categories to display. I used the legend/segment colors to differentiate among high, medium and low penetration markets and reinforced this with the percent penetration in the data column.

How I Made this Horizontal Bar Chart with Data Column

The smartphone penetration data is presented below:

Horizontal bar chart of smartphone users and penetration in top 20 markets.

Here's how I made the horizontal bar chart with data column:

  • copy the data from Newzoos' Global Mobile Market Report into Excel
  • rearrange the data as above, moving the popultation numbers into their appropriate columns
  • create a horizontal stacked bar chart in PowerPoint
  • use the Switch Bars and Series button to treat spreadsheet columns as series and rows as bars
  • use Bars and Series dialog to indicate that % of pop. should appear as a data column and formatted with a %
  • show bar totals formatted as M
  • adjust internal chart margins to provide more room for data column and bar labels
  • add legend, move to bottom and adjust series colors
  • add axis title, hide rest of y axis and x axis line

Take This Chart and Make It Your Own

Download this chart and edit it using Mekko Graphics. See more bar charts in our chart gallery. Here are some other charts that may be of interest: