100% stacked bar chart of US television viewing divided among cable, broadcast and streaming and a breakdown of streaming by services.

TV and Streaming Snapshot

Streaming made up 28% of total television watching, placing it between cable and broadcast. Netflix was the most watched streaming service. The data are presented in a 100% stacked bar chart with exploding bar. Nielsen collects this data for the US monthly and it is available here.

Streaming and Television Watching in a 100% Stacked Bar Chart with Exploding Bar

100% stacked bar chart of US television viewing divided among cable, broadcast and streaming and a breakdown of streaming by services.

Why Use a 100% Stacked Bar Chart for Streaming and Television Watching Snapshot

The 100% stacked bar chart lets me split tv watching into four parts. The exploding bar allows me to drill into the streaming segment. It is a more compact and efficient way to show this than a pie or doughnut chart. The relative segment sizes are also easily comparable. than in a pie or doughnut chart. 

How I Made this 100% Stacked Bar Chart with Exploding Bar

The streaming and television watching data is presented below:

100% stacked bar chart of US television viewing divided among cable, broadcast and streaming and a breakdown of streaming by services.

Here's how I made the 100% stacked bar chart with exploding bar:

  • create a 100% stacked bar chart in PowerPoint
  • enter the Nielsen data into the Mekko Graphics Data Editor as above, using the omega button in the data editor to add the superscripts
  • show segment labels and values
  • format values as percentages
  • hide bar totals
  • add x axis label and use it to show the superscript explanations
  • set custom series order
  • hide y axis and x axis line
  • add segment links to indicate exploding bar
  • adjust internal chart margins and bar gaps
  • change series colors

Take This Chart and Make It Your Own

Download this chart and edit it using Mekko Graphics. See more bar charts in our chart gallery. Here are some other charts that may be of interest: