Marimekko chart of UNESCO World Heritage Sites by region and type.

UNESCO World Heritage Sites

Almost half of the 1,121 UNESCO World Heritage Sites are in Europe and North America, as shown in this Marimekko chart. UNESCO classifies 78% of the sites as cultural sites and 19% as natural. Some of the more well known sites are: Roman Coliseum, Yellowstone National Park, the Forbidden City, Angkor Wat, Machu Picchu, Serengeti National Park and the Pyramids of Giza.

In Europe and North America, 86% of the 529UNESCO World Heritage Sites are cultural. The proportion is slightly less in Asia and the Pacific with 71% of the 268 classified as cultural. The largest proportion of UNESCO World Heritage Sites classified as natural are in Africa. Natural sites account for 40% of the 96.

UNESCO World Heritage Sites in a Marimekko Chart with Data Rows and Data Columns

Marimekko chart of UNESCO World Heritage Sites by region and type.

How I Made this Marimekko Chart with Data Rows and Data Columns

Here is the UNESCO World Heritage Sites data I used to create the Marimekko chart:

Marimekko chart of UNESCO World Heritage Sites by region and type.

Here's how I made the Marimekko chart:

  • copy the data from the UNESCO site into Excel (A1:D7 above) 
  • add the columns for example sites and the row for % to the Excel, placing a blank space in cell F1 to allow the data columns to be populated
  • create a Marimekko chart in PowerPoint based on the above data range
  • use Switch Bars Series to treat the rows as bars and columns as series
  • designate the Total and % rows as data columns and columns E and F as data rows
  • show names, values and percentages in segment labels and values and percentages in bar totals
  • hide the grand total and use Auto Total to show the total of the data column
  • adjust margins, align data rows, annotate smaller label

Take This Chart and Make It Your Own

Download this chart and edit it using Mekko Graphics. See more Marimekko charts in our chart gallery. Here are some other charts that may be of interest: