Marimekko chart of citrus fruit production in US by type of fruit and state.

US Citrus Fruit Production

Oranges make up over 60% of the citrus produced in the US, as shown in this Marimekko chart. Farmers in California and Florida are the principal suppliers of most types of citrus fruit.  Jointly, they supply almost all the oranges.  California alone supplies almost all the lemons, tangerines, mandarins and tangelos.  Grapefruit are supplied almost equally by Texas, Florida and California.  Data for this chart are provided by the USDA Economic Research Service, Fruit and Tree Nuts Outlook.  The USDA is projecting significant growth in the 2018/19 season in all citrus categories, except lemons.

US Citrus Fruit Production in a Marimekko Chart with Data Row

Marimekko chart of citrus fruit production in US by type of fruit and state.

How I Made This Marimekko Chart with Data Row

Data for this chart are presented below:

Data for Marimekko chart of citrus fruit production in US by type of fruit and state.

 Here's how I made the Marimekko chart:

  • typed the data for production by state and type of citrus into the Mekko Graphics data editor
  • used formula to sum the data by citrus type
  • added forecast data
  • added formula for forecast increase
  • copy and pasted citrus type data into data row
  • designated data rows and hidden row (forecast 18/19) in bars and series dialog
  • in format chart general tab, designated linear x axis and display of segment labels with values and percentages
  • adjusted internal margins to better display data rows and reduce size of top, left and right margins
  • added y axis title
  • clicked off autowrap to display Forecast 2018/19 on single line
  • hid 'data row' label for citrus type names data row
  • annotated smaller segment labels for Texas
  • aligned annotated labels with each other and with y axis label and aligned grand total label with bar total labels
  • adjusted series colors

Take This Chart and Make It Your Own

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