Marimekko chart showing where US consumers spent their money in 2009

Where Do We Spend Our Money? Check out this Marimekko Chart.

This is my last charting example from the Bain and Company white paper last year  The Great Eight: Trillion-Dollar Growth Trends to 2020.  The Marimekko chart below shows where US consumers spent their money in 2009:

Marimekko chart showing where US consumers spent their money in 2009

Many consumption categories in advanced economies appear relatively “low-tech” and not “innovation-centric” by conventional definition

The  Marimekko chart illustrates how small a proportion of our spending is on tech-intensive products or services through the red highlighting.  It also shows how you can fit a great deal of information into a Marimekko chart.  This chart has eight categories/bars and about 46 individual segments.  It provides the detail you need to believe the conclusion.

This is a good example of how you can use a Marimekko to drill down.  The authors broke spending into eight major categories to make the individual segment items easier to identify and estimate their relative size.