Stacked bar chart of wearables market by year and sector from 2018-2021, based on data from Gartner.

Wearables Market Growth

Gartner predicts that wearables will grow from a $32B to $63B market by 2021 with head-mounted displays, smart clothing and smart watches leading the way, as shown in this stacked bar chart with CAGR column and growth line. Wearables growth will be slowest in ear-worn and sports watch sectors and the wristband sector will decline over the next three years.

Wearables Market Growth in a Stacked Bar Chart with CAGR Column and Growth Line

How I Made this Stacked Bar Chart with CAGR Column and Growth Line

Here is the wearables market data I used to create the stacked bar chart:

Data for Stacked bar chart of wearables market by year and sector from 2018-2021, based on data from Gartner.

Here's how I made the stacked bar chart:

  • copy data from table in Gartner press release into Excel
  • create a Mekko Graphics chart in PowerPoint based on the Excel data range
  • add CAGR data to the Mekko Graphics Data Editor using the built-in Mekko Graphics CAGR formula (=CAGR(start value, end value, number of periods) and right-click on cell F1 to designate column F as CAGR column
  • add legend and right-click legend to align legend with CAGR
  • hide y axis and x axis line in Format Axis task pane or via right-click
  • adjust internal chart margins to fill chart container
  • in Format Chart task pane, show in all segments and show values in labels
  • use Numbers tab or right-click to format bar totals and segment values as $B with 1 decimal place
  • annotate labels for smart-clothing in 2018, 2019 and 2020 and shrink font size of those labels and 2021 label to 8 point
  • adjust series colors
  • add growth line and right-click to display values as CAGR

Take This Chart and Make It Your Own

Download this chart and edit it using Mekko Graphics. See more bar charts in our chart gallery. Here are some other charts that may be of interest: